Letters & Resolutions
A Neighborhood Council (NC) Letter or Resolution requests specific action from a City agency or official on an urgent or critical community issue. While a Letter or Resolution can be included as part of a Community Impact Statement (CIS) related to pending or active city legislation, it typically serves as a formal “call to action” urging City Officials to create necessary legislation to address a community concern or request.
This is one of several channels through which a Neighborhood Council communicates with the City or other civic organizations, advocating for actions that benefit the community. The DLANC regularly submits letters in support of organizations’ requests for action and provides statements as part of our land use project review process to the Department of City Planning.
Community Impact Statements
For an additional record of actions taken by the DLANC, visit our Community Impact Statement (CIS) page.
Council Files
Information on pending and active city legislation can be found on the Council File Management Systems (CFMS)