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City & Community Resources

Emergency Preparedness


Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Citizens may initially be on their own during the first hours or days of a major disaster. Be prepared in case of emergency. The CERT program is an all-risk, all-hazard training offered free of charge by the Los Angeles Fire Department. This valuable course is designed to help you protect yourself, your family,
your neighbors, and your neighborhood in an emergency situation. CERT members receive 17 1/2 hours (one day a week for seven weeks) of initial training. CERT training. Classes are taught year-round, Monday-Friday, morning, afternoon, or evening

Ready Your LA Neighborhood (RYLAN)

RYLAN is designed to help you, your family and your neighborhood prepare for disaster. There are a variety of things you can do to increase your readiness. It provides the tools to prepare and organize your neighborhood to respond together in that first hour after a disaster to reduce injuries, protect your property and the environment, and most importantly, save lives.


NotifyLA is the City of Los Angeles emergency notification system, and it’s our best way to communicate with you during emergencies and disasters. It’s free and easy to sign up! Text READY to 888-777

Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Guide

Learn more on how you can best prepare for a variety of disaster and emergency situations by downloading the Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Guide.

Animal Emergency Preparedness

The best way to handle any emergency or disaster is by being prepared. An unpredictable emergency situation such as an earthquake, flood, or wildfire can happen at any time. Making a plan to be as ready as possible will help all of your family members, two-legged and four-legged alike, be safe for any emergency.

Business Emergency Preparedness 

How quickly your company can get back to business after a terrorist attack, civil unrest, fire, or flood often depends on emergency planning done today. Learn more on how best to prepare your company and employees to handle emergencies that may disrupt your business.