DLANC headers
Election Information

DLANC Seat Descriptions

The Downtown Neighborhood Council (DLANC) along with LA’s 98 other Neighborhood Councils, form the grassroots level of the City’s government. While DLANC board members serve their community without pay, they are public officials elected by the stakeholders of their community.

The DLANC Board of Officers is composed of 24 elected Downtown Stakeholders, all of which are up for election every two years. The election is conducted by the Los Angeles City Clerk’s Office. You may vote In-Person or Vote-by-Mail.

Immigration status or previous convictions will not affect any qualified Stakeholder’s ability to vote in these elections. Anyone who is currently unhoused and sleeping within the Downtown NC boundaries, is also eligible to vote.

DLANC Seat Description and Voter Eligibility: 

Civic Center / Financial District Resident: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Civic Center / Financial District area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Civic Center / Financial District Business: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Civic Center / Financial District area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Center City East Resident: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Center City East area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Center City East Business: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Center City East area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Fashion District Resident: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Fashion District area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Fashion District Business: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Fashion District area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Historic Core Resident: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Historic Core area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Historic Core Business: Stakeholder who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the Historic Core area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

South Park Resident: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the South Park area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

South Park Business: Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the South Park area within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Area Wide: Stakeholders who are at 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

Area-Wide Homeless Resident: Stakeholder who is at least 16 years of age and who self-attest as homeless within the DLANC boundaries in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, in emergency transitional or residing in supportive housing for homeless persons who originally came from the streets; or who receives assistance (housing or resources) from a homeless services agency. (self-affirmation)

Social Services Provider (SSP): Stakeholders who are at least 16 years of age and live, work or own property within the DLANC boundaries. (requires documentation)

At Large: Any stakeholder within the DLANC boundaries and who is at least 16 years of age. (requires documentation)