Upload a Letter Request


Upload a PDF

  • Open Add Media
  • Drag and drop or locate the PDF on your computer
  • Click the button copy URL to clipboard
Add New Media
1. Add New Media
Copy URL to clipboard
2. Copy URL to clipboard

Create a Link

  • Open the page Letters & Resolutions (ignore the weird name)
  • Make sure the Visual tab is active
  • Type a new text entry after the Accordion Section labeled su_spoiler title=”2024″ An example is provided, please replace. 

    • Use regular return after each entry
    • The order is, newest on top
    • Keep the naming convention the same
    • There is an Accordion Section for each year
    • For layout reasons, the first entry of each Accordion Section
      begins with a soft return (shift/return) all following entries use a normal return
  • Select the entire text entry, that you have typed
  • Click the button that ‘looks like a chain‘ to link the PDF (on the right of the text alignment buttons)
  • A small window will open near the selected text
  • Click the Gear icon, opening the sub window Insert/edit link
  • Paste the URL
  • Make sure the box is checked for Open link in a new tab
  • Click the Add Link button
  • On the right of the main WordPress window click the Update button
1. Visual tab is active
2.Accordion section
3. Insert Link/Chain button
4. Gear icon and URL
5. alt URL and Open link in a new tab
6. Add Link button