DLANC headers
DLANC Committees

Planning & Land Use Committee

Chair: Debby Zhou

Members: Claudia Oliveira (ex-officio), Tyler Murphy, Allen Gross, Justin Weiss, John Swartz, Michael Robleto, Reeyan Raynes, Patti Berman

email: debby.zhou@dlanc.com


Committee Mission Statement

Chaired by Board Director as nominated by the Executive Committee and selected by the Board. The Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members, no more than seven (7) and no less than four (4) of which shall be DLANC Board members. The committee members shall be selected by each new Board within sixty (60) days of being seated.

For City Planning project applicants, developers and others presenting neighborhood projects, please complete this form to be considered for inclusion on the agenda for the next monthly meeting of the Planning & Land Use Committee (PLUC).